Brand your business
Whether you need a professional voicemail or phone tree recording, have a commercial you’d like to get on the air, or need an in house testimonial to the amenities of your company. There are many ways I can help your business stand out and give a great first impression to your new customers.
Over the past couple of years, IAP has enjoyed working with Christi. Her fun, youthful sound has added a new dimension to our overall voice roster. Our clients love her..so will you.
Christi is a go-to voice over talent for us at Zooropa Video Agency. The versatility and speed of service from Christi is fantastic and she is the first voice artist we recommend to our clients for our commercials.
Christi brings a fresh, young professional sound to every project she’s involved in – exactly what many of our clients want. She’s completely reliable and great to work with.
I have worked with Christi for a number of years in commercial sound production. In my 25 years in commercial broadcasting, I have never worked with anyone with more skill as a voice talent and producer. I hear her voice everywhere.